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sku# SH-RD-XS
  • Color: Red
  • Size: XS
Quantity 1 x $9.00
Total $9.00
Shopping Cart Total $27.00
Consent / Waiver / Release / Assumption of Risk / Agreement
I, the parent/guardian of the registrant, a minor, agree that the registrant and I will abide by the rules of Destination Recruit LLC and the facility and grounds of the camp/academy/event accepting the registrant for its league programs and activities.  I hereby release, discharge, and/or otherwise indemnify Destination Athlete LLC, Let’em Play LLC & Destination Recruit LLC, the facility and grounds of the camp/event, its officers, coaches, managers, referees, its affiliated organizations and sponsors, their employees, and associated personnel, including owners of the fields and facilities utilized to the league program, against any claim by or on behalf of the registrant as a result of the registrant’s actions.  I affirm that the registrant is in sound physical and healthy condition and that the athlete is personally covered by health accident insurance secured independently.  As parent/guardian of the registrant, I hereby give my permission for the participant of the program to be transported for emergency medical care.  I hereby authorize consent for emergency medical care prescribed by a duly state licensed physician (i.e. Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Dentistry).  This care may be given under whatever conditions necessary to preserve life, limb or well being of my dependent.  We also agree to allow Destination Recruit LLC and their marketing partners to post pictures and comments on the workouts/trainings and/or utilize video for internet and other promotional purposes for current and future company marketing initiatives.  I/WE HAVE READ THE ABOVE AGREEMENT AND UNDERSTAND THAT I/WE GIVE UP CERTAIN RIGHTS BY MY CONSENT OF THIS AGREEMENT.
I, the parent/guardian of the registrant, a minor, agree that the registrant and I will grant Destination Recruit LLC permission for the full rights of the game videos and to use our expertise and judgment to utilize which plays are in the highlight video. We also agree to allow Destination Recruit LLC and their marketing partners to post pictures, comments and/or utilize video for internet and other promotional purposes for current and future company marketing initiatives.  I/WE HAVE READ THE ABOVE AGREEMENT AND UNDERSTAND THAT I/WE GIVE UP CERTAIN RIGHTS BY MY CONSENT OF THIS AGREEMENT.
I, the parent/guardian of the registrant, a minor, agree that the registrant and I will grant Destination Recruit LLC rights to disclose my submitted information to college programs on my behalf, as well as discuss the recruit with collegiate recruiters. 
We also agree to allow Destination Recruit LLC and their marketing partners to post pictures, comments and/or utilize video for internet and other promotional purposes for current and future company marketing initiatives.  I/WE HAVE READ THE ABOVE AGREEMENT AND UNDERSTAND THAT I/WE GIVE UP CERTAIN RIGHTS BY MY CONSENT OF THIS AGREEMENT.